
We’re adding rankings to Launch Point Zero

At the behest of some commenters on Hacker News we’re going to do some refinement and curation on our current data set. The best way to do that is to add rankings to each site so you can determine the right place to put your efforts towards.

It’s going to take some time. It should be ready by December 1, 2023. Here we go.


150 places to launch your startup according to LinkedIn

Here’s their article – 150+ places to launch your product. It was published in May of 2023, but it’s already out of date.

Some of these are obvious like Product Hunt and BetaList.

However there’s some what appears to be inaccurate data – for example the article lists Product School as a site “Ideal for educational tech products” but the title for the site is “Online Product Management Certification and live training – Product School”. This is not a launch site.

Also it has sites listed that no longer work – Random Startup was listed but returns “This site can’t be reached – Check if there is a typo in”

Source Forge is great if you are an open source self hosted app, but it’s not ideal for a Software as a Service or Mobile app.

However there are some good sites listed for games. We’re working on adding them.


Launchsite Feature: is a minimalist site that describes each launched startup in 10 words or less. You can read a bit more about them here.


  • It’s free to submit
  • Submitting is easy
  • It’s very consistent posting every day
  • It has a newsletter that is sent everyday that shares the same content
  • Has decent traffic, estimated 2,100 monthly visitors in October 2023


  • While its free the waiting list is now over 400 days long. However you can pay to expedite, $19 is not unreasonable.
  • The site design is pretty spare, no images or screenshots

I recommend launching here. I’d even consider paying the $19 for expediting the listing since the wait is more than a year.


This is our first blogpost

still figuring this out, how to integrate wordpress into a rails app.