Addictive Tips Profile
Site url:
Submit to url:
Pay to submit: false
Inactive site: false
Should you launch here?
Slug: addictive_tips
ID: 5
Tagline: Not a launch site, more of a how to site where you submitting a 'tip'. Submit link seems to be gone however.
Status: not_launchsite
Verifies you are not a robot before showing you the site. Last blog post from March 2023 so someone is updating it.
Has form that allows you to submit 'tips'. You can submit your top but not sure what the value would be.
UPDATE: submitting form generates error, not worth the trouble. The following message was displayed;
"There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again later."
Semrush and Similiar Web data might not exist
this record last updated on 2024-08-29