All Launchsites

1000 Tools logo
1000 Tools
"Exclusive" means paid only list of tools, first month is $1, $6/month after
last edited 2024-08-29
Apps & Startups in 10 words or less; active site & email newsletter, submit for free but waiting list long, $19 to expedite
last edited 2024-08-29
Not a launch site, it's a Notion template with mostly up to date listings of the same sites here
last edited 2024-08-29
9 Sites logo
Not a launch site, just a web directory. Looks ancient, low traffic, free to submit but will accept $16 for "premium link"
last edited 2024-08-29
Active Search Results logo
Active Search Results
The best you can hope for is backlinks, nothing more. ASR is a search engine that isn't named google or bing.
last edited 2023-11-20
Addictive Tips logo
Not a launch site, more of a how to site where you submitting a 'tip'. Submit link seems to be gone however.
last edited 2024-08-29
A directory of affordable alternatives focused on AI tools, free to apply but wait, or pay to expedite
last edited 2023-12-17
Agni logo
This site should never have been listed. It's designed for brick and mortar businesses, not software as a service or mobile apps.
last edited 2023-11-18
Is a news aggregator, not clear how or why to launch here
last edited 2023-11-18
All Top Startups
has currently suspended free listings, costs $89
last edited 2023-11-18
Alpha Digits logo
Wordpress site reviews iOS & Android apps, at times goes months without posting (last post as Aug '04). Twitter is active but site still has google plus icons.
last edited 2024-09-02
Alternative To logo
Alternative To
Website that suggests as alternative to competitors, has significant traffic so a must for any SaaS
last edited 2023-11-18
This site is sponsored by Keenforms
Keenforms is a form builder with a no code rules engine. It does things your current form builder can't do;
  • conditional calculations
  • conditional validations
  • dynamic HTML, and more
Keenforms is forms made smarter
try it for free logo
Clone of AlternativeTo, submitting requires creating an account and multi page form.
last edited 2023-12-17
American Inno logo
Not a launch site, it's an online publication based in Richmond, VA. You can submit to directory, and maybe they'll publish your company?
last edited 2024-09-02
Amfibi logo
Not a launch site, just a poorly designed business directory that charges money to list, also still has google plus link
last edited 2024-09-02
Active news site focused on Android, no clear way to submit
last edited 2023-11-18
There is no clear way to submit to this active Android focused news site
last edited 2023-11-18
Not a launch site, more for startups seeking funding. Established website for startups, focused on funding or managing your cap table.
last edited 2024-08-29
Facebook group for marketers, not very active
last edited 2023-11-18
Focused on mobile apps as opposed to SaaS. Part of network of review sites, with a lot of news posts. Still has google plus link.
last edited 2023-11-18
App Marketing Plus logo
App Marketing Plus
Agency with site cross promoting services, has free option but you need to share on facebook & twitter to get it
last edited 2024-08-31
Anyone can submit their app, but you might not get reviewed. Inspired by Product Hunt, is active, design is mediocre.
last edited 2023-11-18
Site for launching mobile game apps. Is actively posting content in 2024, but not clear how to submit to.
last edited 2024-05-27
App Sumo logo
Not exactly a launch site, but high visibility if you use this service. Popular site sells your product at discount, takes cut of sale.
last edited 2023-11-18
Would you be interested in sponsoring Launch Point Zero?
Email us at contact at to learn more
AppAgg logo
Anyone can launch software here. Has some traffic, has more than 3 million apps listed. If nothing else launch here for the backlinks.
last edited 2023-11-18
Apple Insider logo
Very active Apple centric news site, good luck getting mentioned
last edited 2023-11-19
Appoid logo
Another site linked with app400 with no free option
last edited 2023-11-18
Apps Mamma logo
Linked with app400, must pay to submit
last edited 2023-11-21
Apps Mirror logo
Site posts infrequently, just a few times a week in 2024, appears to be linked with app400.
last edited 2024-05-27
Apps Thunder logo
Another site linked with app400, with FREE option to submit
last edited 2024-09-02
Apps400 logo
Currently we are accepting only Paid Reviews
last edited 2023-11-21
Appy Smarts logo
Focused solely on educational mobile apps, posts video reviews of each submission, not suitable for SaaS
last edited 2024-08-16
Arctic Startup logo
Arctic Startup
Site is great but it's only applicable if you are in a Nordic or Baltic country
last edited 2024-08-14
ARS Technica logo
Popular news site but not a launchsite, submitting a press kit and getting news coverage as a bootstrapper seems more trouble than it's worth
last edited 2023-11-20
another directory site needing more research to verify
last edited 2024-09-02
Last launch was April 30, 2024 (seen on 2024-08-19, more that 3 months ago), so this site might be abandoned
last edited 2024-08-19
This site is sponsored by Keenforms
Keenforms is a form builder with a no code rules engine. It does things your current form builder can't do;
  • conditional calculations
  • conditional validations
  • dynamic HTML, and more
Keenforms is forms made smarter
try it for free
Not a launch site, pay $65 to be 'considered' for an award
last edited 2024-09-02
Inspiration gallery owned by Adobe, not really good for launching unless your product has eye catching design
last edited 2023-11-21
Being Guru logo
Not a launch site, just a freelancing & tech blog, Keenforms submitted but got no response
last edited 2024-09-02
Site for people who want testers for their app
last edited 2023-11-20
Not a submit site, it's just a mailing list, not sure how to launch here
last edited 2023-11-18
Betakit logo
Canadian site focused on startups and technology, is up to date but not clear how to submit to
last edited 2023-11-21
Popular site dedicated to new or soon to be launched startups, however lots of sites get rejected without explanation
last edited 2024-08-31
BetaPage logo
Has rebranded, no longer called BetaPage, now called PitchWall, url will automatically forward you here
last edited 2023-11-21
This is a news site with ability to post project, but now it's broken; "This site can’t be reached"
last edited 2024-08-21
Bing logo
Second most popular search engine has site for posting businesses
last edited 2023-11-20
Boing Boing logo
Popular news site but not a launchsite, but it would be a challenge to get news coverage
last edited 2023-11-20
Buffer apps logo
Launch site that charges a minimum of $99 for the lowest level plan
last edited 2024-08-18
Would you be interested in sponsoring Launch Point Zero?
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Built In logo
You'd have to become an expert contributor, then actually contribute content to launch
last edited 2023-11-18
Popular news site but not a launch site, but it would be a challenge to get news coverage
last edited 2023-11-20
Business Software Directory
Simple site with no dates posted, and its no longer free, costs $5
last edited 2023-11-20
Business to Community
Active news site focused on technology, but no clear way to submit
last edited 2023-11-20
Cabinet M logo
"Your MarTech Management Platform", more of a service than launch here, not clear how to submit
last edited 2023-11-18
Capterra logo
Not really a place to launch, it's Yelp for software - wait till you have user who will provide reviews.
last edited 2023-11-18
Podcasts for developers; you aren't launching here, you'd be sponsoring $$$
last edited 2023-11-18
Dont waste your time - self proclaimed "leading business web directory" since 2002. Design looks like 2002. Has paid upgrade to submit 😂.
last edited 2023-11-18
Clutch logo
Is software review site, I guess you review your own software to launch?
last edited 2023-11-20
Popular news site, good luck with submitting press kit and getting mentioned
last edited 2023-11-20
CoFounders Lab logo
CoFounders Lab
Network of startup people getting funded, etc. Not quite a place to launch, but you could.
last edited 2023-11-18
Coin Scribble logo
Coin Scribble
Not a launch site, a paid service for press releases to crypto related stuff; "Crypto press release distribution made easy"
last edited 2023-11-18
This site is sponsored by Keenforms
Keenforms is a form builder with a no code rules engine. It does things your current form builder can't do;
  • conditional calculations
  • conditional validations
  • dynamic HTML, and more
Keenforms is forms made smarter
try it for free
Coindoo logo
Not a launch site, its a service for "Easy press release process for crypto related stuff"
last edited 2023-11-18
This is not a launch site, it's a Spanish language software review site with last blog post in 2022. It has reviews of Salesforce and other big software companies.
last edited 2023-11-20
Crazy About Startups logo
Crazy About Startups
Wordpress startup directory, too much effort required to 'launch' here. Does not appear very active, last article posted in Aug 2023.
last edited 2023-11-20
Not a launch site, its another Yelp for software
last edited 2023-11-20
CrozDesk logo
Yet another software review site, not really a launch site, more useful to submit after you have users
last edited 2023-11-21
Looks like linkedin for startups, had trouble adding keenforms to profile
last edited 2023-11-21
Not really a launch site, more of a software discovery site, last blog post was in 2022, submit via google form
last edited 2023-11-20
Not a place for launching a SaaS or App, more like an online yellow page clone for brick and mortar
last edited 2023-11-20
AI focused tools directory
last edited 2024-08-28
Not a place to launch, self described as 'growth program' for startups
last edited 2023-11-20
Like like Hacker News for designers, has recently postings but low engagement
last edited 2023-11-21
DEV Community logo
DEV Community
This is not a launch site, it's a community of software developers getting together to help one another out.
last edited 2023-11-20
Would you be interested in sponsoring Launch Point Zero?
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Dev Post logo
Website focused on hackathons & projects, more appropriate for open source stuff, not launching startups
last edited 2024-05-27
Designed for launching development tools, not SaaS
last edited 2023-11-21
Reddit precursor, go ahead and share your project here, but don't expect much
last edited 2023-11-20
News site about tech, not sure how to launch on this site. Maybe submit a press kit?
last edited 2023-11-20
Discover Our Town
Local business guide, website looks like it was designed in 1999, last tweet in 2019. This was never a launch site.
last edited 2023-11-20
Design inspiration gallery, not best place for launching a SaaS
last edited 2023-11-21
For those who love to be early
last edited 2024-02-27
Easy with AI logo
Only launch here if your project has something related to AI, has no free option
last edited 2023-11-20
Not a launch site, requires $59.00 to submit, last blog post in 2020. We aren't doing it.
last edited 2023-11-20
"Get connected to a local professional" sounds more suited for brick and mortar, not ideal for launching a SaaS or App
last edited 2023-11-21
Community site focused on women, demands sign in before showing content, site is slow
last edited 2023-11-21
Prolific news site, either send press kit & 🤞, or pay to advertise
last edited 2023-11-20
This site is sponsored by Keenforms
Keenforms is a form builder with a no code rules engine. It does things your current form builder can't do;
  • conditional calculations
  • conditional validations
  • dynamic HTML, and more
Keenforms is forms made smarter
try it for free
EU-Startups logo
European Startup directory, submit if you're European (Keenforms in USA so we did not)
last edited 2023-11-21
Search engine not named google, it can't hurt but don't expect much
last edited 2023-11-20
F6S logo
Community site focused on founders, it required a lot of effort to add your startup to be listed, not sure of the ROI for launching here.
last edited 2023-11-18
Facebook group SaaS Marketing Group logo
Facebook group SaaS Marketing Group
Posted about Launch Point Zero, but no likes - it's free so might as well launch here but don't expect much
last edited 2023-11-21
Facebook Group SaaS Products & Marketing
Facebook group seemingly sponsored by We tried to join, awaiting response.
last edited 2023-11-20
Facebook SaaS Founders and Execs
Facebook group for founders, does not appears to be active
last edited 2023-11-20
Fark logo
Not ideally suited location for launching a SaaS startup
last edited 2023-11-20
Not a launch site, popular news site, good luck with submitting press kit and getting mentioned
last edited 2023-11-20
"Collaborative lists and delightful community", free to submit to, keenforms has seen some traffic come from this source
last edited 2023-11-11
Fazier logo
Brand new Product Hunt clone, but it appears to be impossible to submit to. We suspect the products that have "launched" here are just scraped. Prove us wrong.
last edited 2024-02-14
Software search and discovery website, submitting means providing email and phone and they will contact you, not exactly a launch site
last edited 2024-08-14
Feed My Startup
News site with last post from August 2023, submit form on google forms
last edited 2024-05-27
Would you be interested in sponsoring Launch Point Zero?
Email us at contact at to learn more
FeedBear logo
This is NOT A LAUNCHSITE, its a paid for SaaS where you can "Collect & prioritize customer feedback, the easy way".
last edited 2024-09-07
Site with good up to date content BUT "We're not taking new submissions"
last edited 2023-11-20
Finances Online logo
Finances Online
Not exactly a launch site, software search & reviews for bigger SaaS companies like NetSuite and
last edited 2023-11-20
Fintech Singapore
Fintech news site based in Singapore. launch here if you are Fintech too
last edited 2023-11-20
More for brick and mortar businesses, not for SaaS/online only
last edited 2023-11-20
Freeble logo
Directory for Free stuff like software, overrun with advertising, avoid this site
last edited 2023-11-20
Fuel Up logo
Inactive Software discovery site, out of date content, probably abandoned
last edited 2023-11-20
Future of Saas logo
Site focused on SaaS people with PAID membership. You don't launch here, you 'contribute'.
last edited 2023-11-20
Future Tools logo
AI focused tools directory
last edited 2024-08-28
Fyple logo
Not a launchsite for SaaS or App, its just a generic listing site. Says it's for "Businesses and services in United States". At best you'll get backlinks.
last edited 2023-11-20
G2 Crowd logo
Popular software review site, not really for launching (you need users/reviewers first)
last edited 2023-11-20
Geek Wire logo
Only accepts startups located in Washington, Oregon, Idaho or British Columbia, :(
last edited 2023-11-21
This site is sponsored by Keenforms
Keenforms is a form builder with a no code rules engine. It does things your current form builder can't do;
  • conditional calculations
  • conditional validations
  • dynamic HTML, and more
Keenforms is forms made smarter
try it for free
Geekopedia logo
News site with no new posts since Feb 2023, you aren't submitting, you are writing for the site
last edited 2023-11-20
another launch site
last edited 2024-02-28
Software recommendation app that is now owned by Gartner, not a place to launch anymore
last edited 2023-11-20
Google My Business logo
Seems more suited for bricks and mortar operations, not for launching SaaS
last edited 2023-11-20
Url forwards to another Audienti, not a launchsite anymore
last edited 2023-11-18
Growth Hackers logo
More of a community where you share your work, not exactly a launch site but there does seem to be some activity
last edited 2024-08-21
A directory FOR Startups, not of startups, also we never got confirmation to submit
last edited 2024-08-18
Growth Kit logo
This is a service for building something, not a launch site, "All-In-One Web Marketing Platform"
last edited 2023-11-18
Gust logo
Not a place to launch, more of a paid for service selling access to a network for fundraising
last edited 2023-11-18
HackerNews logo
Also known as Y Combinator, grandaddy of startup and tech centric sites, submit post with title prepended with 'Show HN:'
last edited 2023-11-11
Hackernoon logo
Well known news site, not obvious how to launch here
last edited 2023-11-20
Hackerspad logo
Similar to with worse design but wants $69 to verify, hard no
last edited 2024-08-14
Would you be interested in sponsoring Launch Point Zero?
Email us at contact at to learn more
Hot Frog logo
Claims to be "United States's Freshest Local Business Directory", not suited for launching a SaaS or Mobile App
last edited 2023-11-20
How Brands Are Built logo
How Brands Are Built
Blog more focused on marketing, you're not submitting your startup, you are posting posting about your brand
last edited 2023-11-18
How to buy SaaS logo
Software marketplace, very focused on charging you to get listed listed
last edited 2023-11-21
Site reads "2002, This is a prototype", not really a place to launch and not active
last edited 2023-11-20
Inc 42 logo
Active startup news site based in India, not clear how to submit
last edited 2023-11-20
Not really a site for launching SaaS. Based in India. Not recommended.
last edited 2023-11-20
Indian Yellow Pages logo
Not really designed for launching a startup. Focused on Indian based companies.
last edited 2023-11-20
Indie Gamer Reviewer logo
Indie Gamer Reviewer
Game review website, appears active, not meant for SaaS
last edited 2023-11-21
Another site with lists of resources including where to launch, but not so much Saas
last edited 2023-11-21
last edited 2024-02-27
New site dedicated to helping people launch
last edited 2023-11-24
Indiehacker tools
last edited 2024-02-27
This site is sponsored by Keenforms
Keenforms is a form builder with a no code rules engine. It does things your current form builder can't do;
  • conditional calculations
  • conditional validations
  • dynamic HTML, and more
Keenforms is forms made smarter
try it for free
IndieHackers logo
Easy place to announce, can be competitive so announce multiple times when you do
last edited 2023-11-11
Discover App Built By Solopreneur/IndieHackers, submit to for backlinks. Not exactly a launchsite, but perfect for SaaS bootstrappers.
last edited 2024-02-16
Info World logo
Tech news site, not clear how you would launch from here
last edited 2023-11-20
InnMind logo
Not a launch site, Web3 startup 'community' site selling access to VC funding
last edited 2023-11-20
Nice looking gallery website that showcases web apps, free to submit to or pay to expedite, only 5-7 projects featured in weekly email
last edited 2024-08-19
Inside logo
This is now a newsletter not a place to launch - Reddit for startups, moderately active, in process of joining and posting
last edited 2023-11-20
Joinly logo
Betalist clone, low traffic but also low effort to submit to
last edited 2024-08-19
Just Free logo
A database of free tools and resources for founders & creators
last edited 2024-08-13
Killer Startups logo
Sketchy looking site will gladly mention your startup for a $30 editorial fee
last edited 2023-11-20
Not really a launch site, but is a game focused news site focused with lots of traffic
last edited 2023-11-20
Land-Book logo
Not a launch site, a gallery of beautiful looking websites and page
last edited 2023-11-20
Landing page inspiration gallery, it costs nothing so why not
last edited 2024-08-19
Would you be interested in sponsoring Launch Point Zero?
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Is selective of which startups get posted, if you are not selected you won't be notified
last edited 2023-11-21
Betalist clone, typically takes 2-4 months for submissions to be reviewed, or pay $99 to expedite
last edited 2023-11-21
Launchpedia logo
Is a compiled list of places to submit your startup as well as tools that can help you launch. Only submit here if your app or site is used to help others launch.
last edited 2023-11-21
Lets Venture logo
Not really a launch site, Indian based early Stage platform for startup investing
last edited 2023-11-20
Curated email newsletters, not sure how you'd launch here
last edited 2023-11-20
Not really a site to launch, not clear why this is on the list
last edited 2023-11-21
Linkedin logo
Share your startup here, then find relevant groups. You still have to do a lot of work, but it's a must.
last edited 2024-08-14
Listly logo
Create & publish lists, you might create list of your competitors then add your app :/
last edited 2023-11-20
Hacker news clone, you have to be invited to join
last edited 2023-11-20
More suited for brick and mortar, launching a SaaS here isn't going to do much
last edited 2023-11-20
Tech news website focused on Apple, only helps if you made a Mac/iOS app
last edited 2023-11-20
Site focused on AI based tools, more information needed
last edited 2024-03-06
This site is sponsored by Keenforms
Keenforms is a form builder with a no code rules engine. It does things your current form builder can't do;
  • conditional calculations
  • conditional validations
  • dynamic HTML, and more
Keenforms is forms made smarter
try it for free
Data Analytics focused on Middle East, Africa & Asia, more interested in selling access to info
last edited 2023-11-21
Make Use Of logo
Active and prolific tech news site, maybe submit a press kit?
last edited 2023-11-21
Nicely designed site, minimalist. Not a ton of traffic, but it's free and easy to post on.
last edited 2023-11-11
Maker move logo
No free option available, costs $9 to promote your site. It's a nice looking site w/ startup resources & content, not sure what kind of traffic its getting.
last edited 2023-11-21
App that lets you chart your progress building your own startup, not quite a site to launch
last edited 2023-11-20
Makerpad logo
Purchased by Zapier, not really a place to launch
last edited 2023-11-21
Manta logo
"Results Driven Online Marketing Agency" where you can "claim your listing", seems more suited toward for launching brick and mortar biz
last edited 2023-11-21
Mars X logo
Claims to be a "Curated list of 600+ useful tools using AI"
last edited 2024-08-28
Active and prolific news site, maybe submit a press kit? Not an easy place to launch.
last edited 2023-11-20
It's a blogging platform, could cross promote your blog here but not sure worth the effort
last edited 2023-11-21
Find the best local merchants is not a place to launch your Saas or Mobile App
last edited 2023-11-21
Microlaunch logo
New website for launching a product, free to submit with paid upgrade launch
last edited 2024-08-28
Would you be interested in sponsoring Launch Point Zero?
Email us at contact at to learn more
Active game review site, not the location for launching a Saas
last edited 2023-11-21
Mr Free Tools
Tools that offer free, freemium plans and free trial version can be submitted to this directory. Cannot figure out how to submit to this site.
last edited 2023-11-21
Netted logo
News cite focused on tech, not clear how to launch here
last edited 2023-11-20
Active news site, but is no longer accepting free submissions, costs $50
last edited 2023-11-20
Next Big What logo
Next Big What
Active news site that also lists startups, cost $19 to submit
last edited 2024-08-31
Brand new site, set to launch in Jan 20204, charging to list before it even has traffic :(
last edited 2023-11-20
No code founders
Tried to "add a tool" as Keenforms, minimum price to list is £1050 GBP, absolutely not
last edited 2023-11-20
No Code List logo
No Code List
Something is wrong with their signup/signin code, cannot submit without signing in so this is a bust
last edited 2023-11-20
NoCode Tech logo
This is not a launch site, its lots of app directories for no code tools
last edited 2024-09-07
Blog with last post on Jan 2022, not clear how to launch.
last edited 2023-11-21
Online Genuises logo
Online Genuises
Not a place to launch, Claims to be largest slack community for marketers, takes time or money to be admitted
last edited 2023-11-20
Community of makers, easy to launch here, site appears relatively new
last edited 2024-08-21
This site is sponsored by Keenforms
Keenforms is a form builder with a no code rules engine. It does things your current form builder can't do;
  • conditional calculations
  • conditional validations
  • dynamic HTML, and more
Keenforms is forms made smarter
try it for free
Open Startup List logo
Open Startup List
Last blog post was in 2020, traffic is declining, not sure if any new projects are being submitted
last edited 2023-11-21
Posting costs money and last blog post was in 2022 so not recommended
last edited 2023-11-21
502 Bad Gateway! No new posts since 2022, image links are broken, is abandoned.
last edited 2023-11-21
Paggu logo
News site with last post in February 2023, not sure the value of submitting
last edited 2023-11-21
Not a site to launch, or at least not anymore, now is a employee feedback tool
last edited 2023-11-21
PC Mag logo
Popular news site, good luck with submitting press kit and getting mentioned
last edited 2023-11-21
Peerlist logo
More of a social network for people than a place to launch a SaaS or App, but does have a place for launching at
last edited 2024-08-19
Pinterest logo
Well known pinboard website, not ideal tool for launching
last edited 2023-11-20
PitchBook logo
Selling access to data/research, not a place to launch, you'd be sponsoring aka paid advertising
last edited 2023-11-21
Pitchwall logo
Used to be betapage, same site, easy to submit to
last edited 2023-11-22
Site dedicated to mobile games, not clear how to launch even if you have a game
last edited 2023-11-21
Pocket Lint logo
News site focused on technology, you aren't launching you'd be advertising
last edited 2023-11-20
Would you be interested in sponsoring Launch Point Zero?
Email us at contact at to learn more
Postmake logo
Costs $149 to submit and last article was published in 2021, so not recommended
last edited 2023-11-21
another new site
last edited 2024-02-27
Product Hunt logo
Arguably most visible place to launch, but also very competitive
last edited 2023-11-11
Last project submitted in January 2023, appears that it is no longer actively maintained
last edited 2023-11-21
Has 142429 posts, anyone can post their project. If nothing else you'll get backlinks.
last edited 2023-12-02
This is not a launch site
last edited 2023-11-20
Raion logo
"community that helps startup founders with meeting investors", not exactly a launch site but you can launch here
last edited 2024-07-16
ReadWrite logo
Another active news site, not clear how to launch here. It would be a challenge to get news coverage here as a bootstrapper.
last edited 2023-11-20
Not a site to launch on, infrequently updated blog with last post from Aug 2023
last edited 2023-11-20
Reddit Advancedentrepreneur logo
Reddit Advancedentrepreneur
Very inactive subreddit for established entrepreneurs
last edited 2023-11-21
Reddit Advertising logo
Not sure if this is a place to launch, says "no advertising or spam"
last edited 2023-11-21
Reddit Alphaandbetausers logo
The perfect subreddit to launch on - low expectations, multiple daily posts
last edited 2023-11-11
This site is sponsored by Keenforms
Keenforms is a form builder with a no code rules engine. It does things your current form builder can't do;
  • conditional calculations
  • conditional validations
  • dynamic HTML, and more
Keenforms is forms made smarter
try it for free
Reddit Analytics logo
Doesn't seem like a place you'd be able to launch, not sure why it was recommended
last edited 2023-11-21
Reddit AskMarketing logo
This does not look like a place to launch a SaaS or app
last edited 2023-11-21
Reddit BootstrappedSaaS logo
Friendly REDDIT startup community of self-funded SaaS makers, founders, solopreneurs, and aspiring builders
last edited 2024-08-19
Reddit Content Marketing logo
Does not appear to be a place to launch a SaaS or app, but was listed elsewhere
last edited 2023-11-21
Reddit Coupons logo
Only relevant if you are providing a coupon, not a launch site
last edited 2023-11-21
Reddit Design Critiques logo
This subreddit does not have a lot of activity
last edited 2023-11-21
Reddit Digitalnomad logo
Does not appear to be a place to launch a SaaS or app, but was listed as such elsewhere
last edited 2023-11-21
Reddit Entrepreneur logo
Reddit Entrepreneur
While rules declare "no self promotion" they have Noob Monday which allows anyone to post and share, so start there
last edited 2024-04-01
Reddit EntrepreneurRideAlong logo
Reddit EntrepreneurRideAlong
Share your work only if it genuinely benefits the community, no blatant promotion which makes it hard to launch here
last edited 2024-08-22
Reddit Freepromote logo
3 posts in 3 years, all of them are "Happy Cakeday, r/freepromote" so this subreddit is probably inactive, but post anyway for the backlink
last edited 2024-04-01
Reddit Gamedev logo
Game focused, and states "no show off posts"
last edited 2023-11-21
Reddit Growmybusiness logo
No selling or up selling of products or services allowed, not really suited for launching
last edited 2023-11-21
Would you be interested in sponsoring Launch Point Zero?
Email us at contact at to learn more
Reddit Growth Hacking logo
If you're a founder or employee or marketer of a SaaS product looking to promote your tools, seek permission from the mod. Also engagement seems low.
last edited 2024-04-01
Reddit IMadethis logo
Anyone can post anything, level of effort is low but so is reward, but it won't hurt to post here
last edited 2023-11-21
Reddit indiebiz logo
For startups to offer and share, not a lot of activity but do it anyway
last edited 2023-11-11
Has one less letter than /r/Indiehackers, and a lot less members (only 200), but self promotion is allowed so might as well post here
last edited 2024-08-25
Reddit Indiehackers logo
Users can self promote their product 1 time using the SHOW IH flare. The purpose is for feedback and critique not advertisement.
last edited 2024-08-25
Reddit javascript logo
Self promotion isn't banned but your post needs to be related to javascript
last edited 2023-11-21
Reddit LadyBusiness logo
Self promotion is allowed, but last post was a month ago and I'm not a lady
last edited 2023-11-21
Reddit Linkbuilding logo
Seems like a good place to trade links, and no ban on self promotion so why not? Launch here!
last edited 2023-11-11
Reddit Micro Saas logo
Software as a Service businesses run by a very small team, perfect for launching a SaaS
last edited 2023-11-13
Reddit Plugyourproduct logo
Promotion here is encouraged, but traffic is infrequent
last edited 2023-11-12
Reddit PPC logo
Related to Pay-per-Click (PPC), not ideally suited for launching a SaaS or app
last edited 2023-11-21
Reddit Promotereddit logo
Meant for cross promoting other subreddits, so create a subreddit for your own Saas or App and then share it here
last edited 2023-11-21
This site is sponsored by Keenforms
Keenforms is a form builder with a no code rules engine. It does things your current form builder can't do;
  • conditional calculations
  • conditional validations
  • dynamic HTML, and more
Keenforms is forms made smarter
try it for free
Reddit python logo
Self promotion isn't banned but your post needs to be related to python
last edited 2023-11-21
Reddit RoastMyStartup logo
Promotion here is encouraged, so perfect for launching here
last edited 2023-11-21
Reddit SEO logo
Does not appear to be an ideal place to launch a SaaS or app, but was listed elsewhere
last edited 2023-11-21
Reddit SideProject logo
Self promotion is encouraged, and is very active, definitely share here
last edited 2023-11-11
Reddit Smallbusiness logo
Promotion here is permitted, traffic is active
last edited 2023-11-11
Reddit SocialMediaMarketing logo
Reddit SocialMediaMarketing
Does not appear to be the ideal place to launch a SaaS or app, but at least self promotion isn't banned
last edited 2023-11-21
Reddit Software As a Service logo
Reddit Software As a Service
Active subreddit where self promotion is allowed, if you are a SaaS then post here
last edited 2023-11-11
Reddit Startup logo
This is a subreddit to bring people together and help startups get help with their business needs.
last edited 2023-11-21
Reddit Startups logo
"You MAY share your startup in the Monthly Share Your Startup thread" - this subreddit is very active and sharing your startup is encouraged, so do it
last edited 2023-11-11
Reddit The Founders logo
Community for founders, entrepreneurs, and startup enthusiasts to connect, share experiences, and seek advice
last edited 2024-08-19
Reddit Web Marketing logo
No direct sales, advertisements, or promotional posts of any kind, not sure if its possible to launch here
last edited 2023-11-21
Reddit Webdesign logo
No self promotion so not really a place to launch
last edited 2023-11-21
Would you be interested in sponsoring Launch Point Zero?
Email us at contact at to learn more
Reddit Webdev logo
No self promotion so not really a place to launch
last edited 2023-11-21
More like a blog about tools to use remotely, last post was April 2023
last edited 2023-11-20
Roast or Toast logo
Roast or Toast
"Success Through Actionable Feedback"
last edited 2024-08-14
Get roasted by a designer, not really a launch site, and it costs money to be roasted
last edited 2023-11-21
Directory of curated tools, your app must be "100% free or has a fully-working free version or a very generous free plan"
last edited 2024-08-19
Romanian Startups logo
Directory of Romanian based startups, might be great but not for
last edited 2023-11-21
SaaS AI Tools
Another site dedicated to AI based tools - SaaS AI Tools is your source for new AI tools & daily AI news to help supercharge your creativity to the next level
last edited 2023-11-18
Saas Baba logo
Another AI Tools & Deals directory
last edited 2024-08-19
Facebook group. 3 posts in the last month, so not very active
last edited 2023-11-20
Not a place to launch, it's a private community for Software as a Service
last edited 2023-11-20
SaaS Directory
Saas directory whose last product was launched in 2022, so most likely inactive or abandoned
last edited 2023-11-13
SaaS Genius logo
Saas Review site based in Sweden, nice design but not taking free submissions anymore
last edited 2023-11-20
This site is sponsored by Keenforms
Keenforms is a form builder with a no code rules engine. It does things your current form builder can't do;
  • conditional calculations
  • conditional validations
  • dynamic HTML, and more
Keenforms is forms made smarter
try it for free
Good looking site, but submitting and listing costs minimum $9 per month
last edited 2024-08-14
Saas Worthy logo
Saas directory with active blog. Submitted to site, still waiting response.
last edited 2023-11-20
SaaSHub logo
Very involved and detailed process to submit, 194,000+ products so its hard to get notices
last edited 2024-08-21
Serchen logo
Actively maintained Yelp for software site, submitting is labor intensive and you'll get spammed for paid upgrades
last edited 2023-11-20
Beautiful site for Best design links of the day. Not applicable to launching a Saas
last edited 2023-11-21
Side Projectors logo
A place to showcase and also sell and buy side projects. If nothing else you'll get back links.
last edited 2023-11-20
Silicon Angle logo
Mostly a news site. Not clear how to launch from here. Does appear to be active with recently posted news stories.
last edited 2023-11-20
Similar Site Search
From the site in June 2023: "We help you find similar and alternative websites. We have been doing this for _five years_ since 2009." 🤔
last edited 2023-11-20
Site Jabber logo
Research Business Reviews Before Buying - you'd write your own review I guess. We're taking a pass.
last edited 2023-11-20
Website that heps find websites similar, alternatives or related to a given site, not a launch site but good for backlinks
last edited 2023-12-02
Claims trustyworthy shopping reviews, not clear how to launch SaaS from here. Got 505 errors when clicking categories.
last edited 2023-11-20
Slash Dot logo
Popular news site focused on tech, not the ideal place to launch a SaaS
last edited 2023-11-20
Would you be interested in sponsoring Launch Point Zero?
Email us at contact at to learn more
List of public slack groups to join, not really a place to launch
last edited 2023-11-20
Smart Money Match logo
Website was painfully slow to respond, value not clear
last edited 2023-11-20
SnapMunk logo
Startup directory with very involved process of submitting, has free option and paid upgrades
last edited 2023-11-20
Software Advice logo
You aren't launching here, you getting a free lead estimate
last edited 2023-11-20
Software Suggest logo
Software Suggest
You can list your app here, but exactly for launching; signup and creating profile is painful and time consuming. SEMRush though shows more than 645K visitors.
last edited 2023-11-20
Software World logo
Software directory for reviews, not really a place to launch
last edited 2023-11-21
SourceForge logo
Place to download open souce software, not the place you launch a SaaS
last edited 2023-11-21
Space Bandits logo
Not a launch site for SaaS or apps, solely focused on launching "space" related stuff
last edited 2023-11-20
Not a place to launch unless you have video that is noteworthy
last edited 2023-11-20
News site focused on innovation with emphasis on environment and sustainability, not applicable to SaaS
last edited 2023-11-20
Stack Share
"Request a Demo" on homepage means that this is not, or no longer, a place to launch your startup
last edited 2023-11-20
Standuply logo
Not a place to launch, this company is selling a service
last edited 2023-11-20
This site is sponsored by Keenforms
Keenforms is a form builder with a no code rules engine. It does things your current form builder can't do;
  • conditional calculations
  • conditional validations
  • dynamic HTML, and more
Keenforms is forms made smarter
try it for free
Start Us logo
Site is more focused on posting jobs for startups in Europe, not exactly a place to launch
last edited 2023-11-21
Site for founders sharing their startup story. If you have one maybe you can share it here, but we didn't.
last edited 2023-11-21
Starticorn logo
Just a bunch of sites listed on a single page, costs $2 to submit. Maybe some other time.
last edited 2023-11-21
Submissions via typeform, site has very poor design, seems to be posting startups once a month. Would not waste my time here.
last edited 2023-11-20
Startup Base logo
Startup Base
Product hunt/Betalist clone, is active & up to date, costs minimum $15 to post
last edited 2023-11-21
Startup Beat logo
Active new site focused on startups, not clear how to launch from here
last edited 2023-11-21
Startup Buffer logo
Startup Buffer
Tried to submit, never got a response or rejection. Evaluation may take 1-2 months, but we can pay to expedite.
last edited 2023-11-20
Startup Collections
Site is inactive, has not posted a new startup in a long time
last edited 2023-11-21
Startup Dope logo
Startup Dope
Startup news site with PAID ONLY product submission tool, not sure where it gets listed
last edited 2024-08-14
Startup Europe logo
Startup Europe
Site is not being actively maintained, has submissions from startups outside of Europe, and signups might be broken. However actively posting on Twitter.
last edited 2023-11-21
Startup Explore logo
Startup Explore
Site based in Spain more focused on helping startups getting funded, not meant for launching
last edited 2023-11-21
Startup Guys logo
Startup Guys
Review costs $49 minimum
last edited 2023-11-21
Would you be interested in sponsoring Launch Point Zero?
Email us at contact at to learn more
Startup Inspire logo
Submitting requires creating account, free to submit with paid upgrade
last edited 2023-11-11
Betalist clone, as of June 2 site is suddenly overrun by escort links
last edited 2023-11-20
Not exactly a place to launch; google spreadsheet version of LPZ (places to launch)
last edited 2023-11-21
Site that ranks & promote startups worldwide. We entered info for Keenforms, must be reviewed, you can pay to expedite.
last edited 2023-11-21
Startup Resources logo
Startup Resources
No longer accepting submissions - "Hey :) This typeform is now closed"
last edited 2023-11-21
Good resource for info related to startups, but not clear how to launch on this site. Lot of enthusiasm which I really appreciate.
last edited 2023-11-21
Startup Stash logo
Startup Stash
Directory of tools and resources for startups and entrepreneurs, submitting involves filling out typeform
last edited 2024-08-14
Startup Tile logo
It appears to be a paid for site only, $29 US. Too early to tell if its worth the price.
last edited 2024-02-23
Startup Tracker logo
As of November 2023, certificate is not valid and warning is shown. Last startup shared in January 2023, so might be abandoned.
last edited 2023-11-20
Not a launch site, focused on sharing coupons for startups
last edited 2023-11-20
Appears to be very active with content, but not clear how to submit
last edited 2023-11-21
Startups of London logo
Startups of London
Site focused on Startups of London UK. Not clear how to launch here and Keenforms is based in Chicago.
last edited 2023-11-21
This site is sponsored by Keenforms
Keenforms is a form builder with a no code rules engine. It does things your current form builder can't do;
  • conditional calculations
  • conditional validations
  • dynamic HTML, and more
Keenforms is forms made smarter
try it for free
News and how to articles focused on helping UK based startups. If Keenforms was based in UK we could apply for Startups 100,
last edited 2023-11-21
Startups Watch
Startup site focused on Turkey, value of listing your company here to launch is low
last edited 2023-11-20
Provides resources related to startups, not really a place to launch
last edited 2023-11-20 logo
Lovely looking site - free to submit but long wait (181 days submitted June 3 2023). Skip the line by paying a fee.
last edited 2024-03-03
StartupValley News
Startup news site actively posting, submitting entails sending an email with subject 'Startup'
last edited 2023-11-20
Brand new site
last edited 2023-12-31
Submissions Web Directory
Design is not good, anyone can submit a link including things like Asbestos removal and office cleaner services
last edited 2023-11-21
a new site, needs more time
last edited 2024-02-27
Crudely designed site actively posting content, not clear how to launch here
last edited 2023-11-21
Beautiful site, directory of marketing tools. Features founders would be the place to launch, but might not be active, since last feature was 2022.
last edited 2023-11-21
Active site eager to post stories about startups, straight forward to submit, waiting response
last edited 2024-08-13
Active mobile app review site/service, costs $99 to submit
last edited 2023-11-21
Would you be interested in sponsoring Launch Point Zero?
Email us at contact at to learn more
No clear way to submit or launch from this site
last edited 2023-11-21
News site, not clear how to submit to this site.
last edited 2023-11-21
Tech Directory
A directory for people related to technology, not ideally suited for launching a SaaS but free to join
last edited 2023-11-21
Well known news site focused on tech, good luck getting mentioned
last edited 2023-11-21
Very active news site but not clear how to submit to this site. Probably need a press kit.
last edited 2023-11-21
Active news site focused on Tech in Asia, either advertise or submit to database
last edited 2023-11-21
Last blog post was 2018, not sure what purpose of this site. You could add your company but site seems neglected.
last edited 2023-11-21
Tech blog with a lot of things malfunctioning, submitting looks to be impossible, last post was in 2022
last edited 2023-11-21
Tech news site focused on Europe, has clear location to submit but we're not based in Europe
last edited 2023-11-21
Australian startup and tech data, and since we're not Australian we didn't launch here
last edited 2023-11-21
TechCrunch logo
Very popular and prolific news site, launching a SaaS here feels like a bit of a reach
last edited 2023-11-21
Site is overrun with advertising, even if you can create account and submit I would not recommend it
last edited 2023-11-20
This site is sponsored by Keenforms
Keenforms is a form builder with a no code rules engine. It does things your current form builder can't do;
  • conditional calculations
  • conditional validations
  • dynamic HTML, and more
Keenforms is forms made smarter
try it for free
News site posts about startups and tech inconsistently, submit via poorly designed contact form
last edited 2023-11-21
Tekpon logo
Software review site with 34 million reviews, needs more research, not quite a launch site but you'll get backlinks
last edited 2024-08-28
The Hive Index
Directory of online communities, not a place to launch
last edited 2023-11-21
The Indianpreneur
News site based in India, you aren't launching you'd be advertising
last edited 2023-11-21
The iPhone App Review
Not the place to launch a Saas; reviews mobile apps inconsistently, submitting costs $59
last edited 2023-11-21
Popular news site, good luck with submitting press kit and getting mentioned
last edited 2023-11-21
The Popular Apps
Focused on mobile, has free option to submit. Not applicable to Keenforms because we're a web app.
last edited 2023-11-21
Last startup launched here in 2023, social media is inactive, and asking $10 to post
last edited 2024-05-26
Wordpress site that triggers 'Your connection is not private' in browser. Last story posted in 2021
last edited 2023-11-21
The Startup Pitch logo
The Startup Pitch
Least expensive option to launch here costs £4 but no free option, hard to verify traffic. Header now reads "This web site For Sale £2,000 - Click More Info"
last edited 2024-09-02
Tech blog and review site by one person. Has 67 followers on Facebook. Recently posted articles seem to load very slowly.
last edited 2023-11-21
Active and popular news site. Not ideally suited for launching a SaaS, although we could be wrong.
last edited 2023-11-21
Would you be interested in sponsoring Launch Point Zero?
Email us at contact at to learn more
Love the design of this site, but not meant for launching a SaaS. More geared towards products such as wellness related stuff.
last edited 2023-11-21
Curated Directory of 200 plus web based tools, submitted keenforms but never got a response
last edited 2023-11-21
New site that lists apps, having trouble submitting to this site
last edited 2024-01-05
Certificate has expired, not sure if this is active
last edited 2024-09-01
News site whose last blog post was January 10, 2023. Doesn't seem like a place to launch a SaaS.
last edited 2023-11-21
Curates list of stuff related to crypto, not a launch site for SaaS
last edited 2023-11-21
Not a place to launch a SaaS; Gaming review site, no clear way to submit but you can advertise
last edited 2023-11-21
Not a launch site, some data product related to startups
last edited 2023-11-21
India’s largest and oldest B2B e-commerce platforms, not really a launch site
last edited 2023-11-21
Trendy Startups
Has recently submitted listings, but also tons of errors in console and cannot reset password, still has google plus icon
last edited 2023-11-21
Trust Pilot logo
Yelp clone, read and write reviews, not exactly a place you launch a SaaS
last edited 2023-11-21
More of a review site, you could write a review about your own launched project
last edited 2023-11-21
This site is sponsored by Keenforms
Keenforms is a form builder with a no code rules engine. It does things your current form builder can't do;
  • conditional calculations
  • conditional validations
  • dynamic HTML, and more
Keenforms is forms made smarter
try it for free
We are not using Tumblr to launch
last edited 2023-11-21
Turbify logo
This does not appear to be a place to launch, it's a webhosting and wordpress
last edited 2023-11-21
Twelve Tools
last edited 2024-02-28
Twitter logo
Of course you should launch here but this is not a launchsite
last edited 2024-08-14
Unboxing Startups
Used to have a startup of the week feature, but that ended years ago, not a place that you can submit to anymore
last edited 2023-11-21
"A directory of the products that have under $1000 MRR."
last edited 2024-02-27
Nice looking website that curates tools, can submit for free with long waiting list or pay to expedite
last edited 2023-11-11
Not clear how to submit or launch, appears to be a news site, relatively small set of submissions
last edited 2023-11-21
Inspiration gallery, not meant to launch a SaaS startup from this site
last edited 2023-11-21
Place for sharing design files and inspiration gallery, not meant for launching a SaaS
last edited 2023-11-21
This appears to be a product with something to sell, not a place to launch
last edited 2023-11-21
Vator News
News site with infrequently posted content, not a launch site for SaaS
last edited 2023-11-21
Would you be interested in sponsoring Launch Point Zero?
Email us at contact at to learn more
Venture Beat
Active news site focused on tech and startups, not clear how launch from here. Maybe a press release?
last edited 2023-11-21
It's a public database of startups, requires sign in
last edited 2023-11-21
Viral Indian Diary logo
Indian based startup news site, last story posted in 2022
last edited 2023-11-21
Web App Rater logo
Web App Rater
App review site with no free option to submit, and infrequently posted content
last edited 2023-11-21
Web Designer News logo
Web Designer News
Site is actively posting content, you would be submitting a story not really launching
last edited 2023-11-21
Web Tools Weekly logo
Web Tools Weekly
Site focused on useful to front-end developers, not a launchsite for a SaaS
last edited 2023-11-21
Web Wiki logo
Claims to be a search engine, not exactly a place to launch but you can submit and get backlinks. It's not the first place we would choose to launch but can't hurt.
last edited 2023-11-21
Web3 Canvas
Wordpress site with no new content since July 2022
last edited 2023-11-20
Free inspiration gallery for UX designers, marketing teams, and entrepreneurs, not the ideal place for keenforms to launch.
last edited 2023-11-21
Webrazzi logo
Turkish language news site focused on startups, last post in english was in 2020
last edited 2023-11-21
Wellfound logo
No longer a site for launching, focused on connecting startups and job seekers
last edited 2023-11-20
What's new on the net
Looks like a news blog. Up to date, not sure how many people are launching from here.
last edited 2023-11-20
This site is sponsored by Keenforms
Keenforms is a form builder with a no code rules engine. It does things your current form builder can't do;
  • conditional calculations
  • conditional validations
  • dynamic HTML, and more
Keenforms is forms made smarter
try it for free
This is not a launch site and it never should have been added to the list
last edited 2023-11-21
Wip logo
More of a social network, WIP is either invite-only or admitted by someone else. Not really a launch site and has long waiting list.
last edited 2023-11-21
Women Entrepreneurs Portal
Page takes forever to load, lots of errors in console. Not recommended.
last edited 2023-11-20
YC Startup School
Linked with Hacker News, not exactly a launch site but if post your project looking for a cofounder you will see some traffic
last edited 2023-11-21
Yellow Pages logo
Probably not worth launching here
last edited 2023-11-20
Yelp logo
More suited for brick and mortar, launching a SaaS here isn't going to do much
last edited 2023-11-20
give feedback to other startups, then share your own, relatively new site but novel concept and it's free
last edited 2023-11-11
Young Upstarts logo
Young Upstarts
More of a news site, you might be able to submit as a guest writer
last edited 2023-11-20
Younoodle logo
Not a launch site, more of a service provider to startups
last edited 2023-11-20
YourStory logo
Nice looking site based out of India but the submission form (on typeform) is now closed, so not clear how to submit
last edited 2023-11-21
YouTube logo
The idea is you make your own video and post it, but it won't drive traffic
last edited 2023-11-20
ZDNet logo
Not a launch site, it's a tech centered online publication
last edited 2023-11-20
Would you be interested in sponsoring Launch Point Zero?
Email us at contact at to learn more
Zumvu logo
This is not a site to launch, it's a social network for businesses. Google signup fails unless you disable ad blocker.
last edited 2023-11-20